I get your point, but I think often the niceties leave a relationship because of one partners disillusionment or thinking the grass is greener. I think more importantly it shows how a little love, consideration and appreciation can make someone bloom and relight up. John rick john wick mixed rick and morty shirt Unfortunately there are many relationships that go through this. I’ve seen many friends go through exactly this scenario. I’m fortunate enough that my hubby treats me with love, respect and kindness and always has. Not everyone is so fortunate.
John rick john wick mixed rick and morty shirt
Everyday he would drive me to work and pick me up at the end of my shift. He also does that to my kids, sending them off to school and bringing them home after classes. And because he loves to cook for us, we always eat sumptuous meals. He never tires doing this each day for two years of living together as husband and wife. The thing is , now that I’m at my 40’s it’s been hard to maintain my figure. John rick john wick mixed rick and morty shirt I know that I got a fat belly now but he was never bothered. I never heard him comment on it. Instead he asked me not to be conscious about what people say. He says, it’s important to eat well and have good rest.
If I get fat he wouldn’t mind. He says, remember you are my wife and to me you will always be the loveliest…. Sometimes, when we have some misunderstandings, he would be the first to say sorry. He says there’s nothing in the world that can break our relationship because of our promise that we will grow old together as husband and wife It feels surreal because I never felt this way with my first husband (rest in peace) but I have no regrets in my past life. Now I can truly say that I am the happiest wife and mother ever, because now I am being loved and cared for as I truly deserve.
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