Time enjoyed wasted; is not wasted time. And money should not be an analogy to seconds. Because if we woke up with that amount of “money” Rick and morty baphorick ink poisoning shirt we’d all be able to afford whatever we wanted. Money allows for more experiences. You can’t “buy” experiences with time. Not in that sense.
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this is a video format it was beautifully put together i read about this a few weeks ago and bam you make a video this if understood is life changing please continue If I live in the eternity of love/life, how can anything be a waste of time ? The only time I have is now and that’s eternal. There is no past or future when I live in the moment of now. It’s the only time I have. I like the speech, but the video is funny. Why is the boyfriend who ends up having to leave wrong? Rick and morty baphorick ink poisoning shirt He likes food and napping. He took her laptop out of her hands when maybe, she’d been on it a long time. It seems like she likes to spend her precious time working out and working. Why is she supposedly making better use of her time than him, eating and napping? Life is about balance!
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This past year I had to say goodbye to someone who was my world, my Mom. Sadly on June 24th 2017, she passed away from cancer. Now, I realize how precious time is, and not being able to get it back. I find myself nearing 40, never married and never experience the joy of creating a family. Years ago I allowed others to take the precious time I had, and I also found that I devoted too much time to work because I didn’t have a family or a husband to spend time with. This is time I will never get back. This video absolutely hit close to home. If I could only go back and get a redo on the time I’ve lost, as well as the people who are no longer by my side, I’d do it all a different way, hoping for a different result.
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