I couldn’t agree more! Relationships were horribly negative. Los angeles angels of anaheim mickey mouse all over printed shirt There was nothing good about them. I’ve accomplished more being single then I did when I was trying for a relationship. I have time, money, a career, travel opportunities and dreams to pursue!
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glad to hear that! I’ve been called an “incel” (Google it) because I refuse to date. I tell them I can ask out 100 women and all 100 can refuse me. That’s their right. I don’t grudge them. I respect their decision accept it and move on. I was always told to keep trying for the “next one”. Only for me there is no “next one”. Los angeles angels of anaheim mickey mouse all over printed shirt I don’t need anyone to feel accomplished, fulfilled or happy. I find chasing after women held me back from my full potential. Everything I’ve achieved has been
the result of pushing myself to get over a heartbreak. Don’t feel bad for me. My hardest, darkest moments were caused because I was interested in a girl and wanted to be her boyfriend. My brightest and best moments were achieved on my own. My life has improved 110% since I stopped dating. I only experience happiness and not rejection anymore. No fights, no relationship stress, no relationship anxiety, nothing like that. Prince Ea talks about removing negativity from your life.