Paragraph 1904.42 directs the employer to follow the instructions on the survey form minnesota vikings symbol full printing shirt when completing the information and return it promptly.
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chokes on his or her food, is burned by spilling hot coffee, etc. (see paragraph 1904.5). ll economic activities performed at a single location should be allowed to be placed on a single log. minnesota vikings symbol full printing shirt Many of these locations have only one medical department, payroll, or management. At many of these locations, separate reports cannot be prepared on the number of employees per establishment, and at times many of the employees will work at separate sites within the same single physical location. To break down the economic activities to record injuries and illness on different logs is confusing, difficult, and overly burdensome. The proposal stated that distinct, separate economic activities performed at a single physical location may each be classified, for recordkeeping purposes, as a separate establishment.
The proposed definition stated that each distinct and separate economic activity may be considered an establishment when no one industry description from the Standard Industrial Classification manual includes such combined activities, the employment in each economic activity is significant, and separate reports can be prepared on the number of employees, their wages and salaries, sales or receipts, or other types of establishment information. The final rule is essentially unchanged from the proposal on this point, but the language has been modified to make it clear that the employer may employ this option only in the enumerated circumstances. Paragraphs 1904.42, and of the final rule being published today replace former section 1904.21. Paragraph 1904.42 states the general obligation of employers to report data to the BLS or a BLS designee. Paragraph 1904.42 states that some employers will receive a BLS survey form and others will not, and that the employer should not send data unless asked to do so.