It took the entire game to get that going. We had many failers. We were so far ahead it didn’t matter when it was done. It went around 3 or 4 times and was awesome!!! I’m tired Green bay packers 100 seasons 1919 2019 shirt when McFan decides he’s McOffensiveCoordinator and I know better than McCarthy… he’s running three backs for very deliberate reasons. It’s for matchup, scheme, clock. Welcome to the modern NFL. A bell cow RB is exception, not the rule.
Green bay packers 100 seasons 1919 2019 shirt
Sterling Sharpe was such a great player. I have a brush w fame story. This was back when the players parked outside the stadium in a fenced in area. We stayed late after the game. Maybe the Madison band played “the 5th quater”. Anyway afterward we were crossing Lombardi to get to the narrow sidewalk by the chainlink fence and a red sports car comes flying up the street and within about 3 inches of me. My friend yells, “Cool! You almost got run over by Sterling Sharpe!” I think I remember he had been pissed at Brett for some reason. Lol I didn’t hold it against him. Green bay packers 100 seasons 1919 2019 shirt Im proud of the win but honestly some of the plays were very sloppy. Execution was weak mid game. And o-line wasnt doing a great job. With pass protect. They need collalse the D rush to the inside instead of allowing our line to collapse leaving ample gaps to target rodgers
Please do entertain me. Why couldnt greenbay manage to put up more points. In the second half then two FGs. And also why did a team that hasnt seen a play off game since 2000 manage to place ample pressure on the QB forcing rodgers out if the pocket and allowing him to be sacked forcing interceptions and mis fired passes. This is not acceptable for a play off ranked team. Im a die hard fan but facts are facts. Im interested to see the thoughts that are so interestingly denying the sloppy plays which negated Greenbay from putting up more than a 22 point lead. Also sorry for the grammer im on lunch right now csnt type and eat at the same time Good Win Green Bay, I just sorry I didn’t get to see play by play on television network. Game wasn’t televised here in Seattle. But always a good game as usual.
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