We are so happy to have you and the rest of the team. My husband, a lifetime Browns fan, had almost given up hoping for a championship before he dies. He is 82 and beat lung cancer last year. Cleveland is awesome miz shirt He now has hope to see a Browns championship and to remain cancer-free.
Cleveland is awesome miz shirt
All of us oldsters are hoping to live long enough to see our Cleveland Browns do great again. We had many good years being fans, but would like to see more great years!! Go Browns!! I lost my dad at age 69. And while he did see them win what was called “Championships”, he never saw them in the Super Bowl. I’m praying for your husband to remain cancer free and to see our Browns in the Super Bowl!! I am a Oklahoma Sooner, Cleveland is awesome miz shirt born and bred and I will tell you that if anyone can make the Browns champions, Baker can! I pray your husband gets to see the pride of Oklahoma take the Browns to the Super Bowl some day soon. God bless and Godspeed. Cleveland is a Football town first! Baker Man get ready ! You are turning this franchise around and when we start going to the playoffs you will see a Browns Fan base that compares to no other!! You are starting to awake a sleeping giant and it will be spectacular!
Hang out and enjoy this item

Long time Sooner fan, new Browns fan! Sooner nation knew what he would do for the Cleveland Browns and we knew it wouldn’t take long! So excited for life long Browns fans to get to enjoy the play of this charismatic young quarterback as he ignites this team! I’m glad he got to play this season he is a very exciting guy to watch along with the other players too. Long time Browns fan and very excited how our season has gone so far.

I am also a long time Sooners fan (since I was stationed at Tinker AFB in 1981). I also became a Cleveland Browns fan this year because of Baker. This is the first player from OU that I then went on to become a fan of a specific NFL team. Walls browns colors were always brown and gold for away games and white at home. Sometime back in the late 7os they started with this orange nonsense. Go back to brown!!

I admit I hated this guy when he tried to plant a flag in the block O, but since being drafted he has said all the right things. He’s making rookie mistakes but that’s to be expected. I love the optimism and potential of this team with Baker at the helm. I think he has us all feeling dangerous! Thank you for giving it all, this team, town whatever needed a guy like you for many years. This season has been great to watch. Keep it up browns let’s make Cleveland the AFC start and stop with us.
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