there are some cases when patients are shipped Hiking and into the forest i go to lose my mind and find my soul quilt out of country for care that is unavailable here (yes that includes USA) but thoes trips and procedures are covered under our Medicare.
Hiking and into the forest i go to lose my mind and find my soul quilt
okay so let’s go back to my knee: I went see a doctor to “set it” which happened within the hour of injury. I was referred to a specialist who did an ultrasound I was able to make that appointment two days later and they also put me on a waiting list for an MRI as I was a non critical patient Hiking and into the forest i go to lose my mind and find my soul quilt (critical patient do not wait long for treatment) it was looking closer to two or three months for that appointment. (average in the US is 2-3 months)
in the next two week I opted out of the MRI as the physiotherapists I was working with were able to diagnose it and serve it redundant within a week. All of this was covered under Medicare and dealt with in the week. Not sure where these stories of people sitting for months are coming from. 0nly 8% of Canadians say that our health care system should be rebuilt. It just isn’t a debate here nor a point of contention in government or amongst the public. We have health care and we want it to stay.