that has tried to to knock us down. hubby survived cancer, Knights templar 3d full printing area rug i survived a broken spine after being hit by a drunk driver, and now we adopt abused and special needs cats, and we feed a cat colony. you only find someone to share all of that with once in a lifetime.
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a fresh water reservoir that gets mistaken by tourists as The Great Salt Lake A LOT, and them sticking their fingers into the water and then into their mouths to taste TGSL….sometimes I didn’t want to burst their bubble and tell them they were at the wrong place sticking their fingers into regular old dirty fish water and not the unique dirty salt kind. Been with my husband 10 years and we still shower together and he bathes me every night. Knights templar 3d full printing area rug He also opens doors for me, that includes the car door to get in and out and he cooks every weekend. My husband is awesome! Been with my hubby 21 years, we take turns cooking Sunday dinner, we share whatever meals we make for ourselves that we have extra of if during the week.
i always give him the biggest piece, the last piece, and the extra piece, and we have shared every dessert weve ever had from a restaurant. we should always share with the other, even if they arent that good at sharing with you. i was always raised that if someone is hungry, you feed them. so if my hubby wants some of what i have, i will share it with him! i am also lucky to have a good man like him. he saved me at my lowest, and took me in when no one else wanted me. together we have stood against the outside, and anything
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