but you 100% chose to be fat as well as to be a horrible human being. Her buck his doe pink camo blanket youre not a victim, youre a cunt. sorry about your white supremacy parade at graceada park. im glad the rest of the city saw your hate group for what it is.
Her buck his doe pink camo blanket
where you look like a burlap sack full of chewed bubble gum. your only “evidence” is a handful of people in high school saying they can turn heterosexuals gay? that’s your hard evidence? you are 100% retarded if you think that is anything but conjecture. heres another fact. candice is somewhat right. girls generally have more fat than males. Her buck his doe pink camo blanket fat is what determines healthy period cycles in females but your morbid obesity is not healthy. in fact, if you got pregnant right now a doctor would reccomend you lose weight for the health of the baby.
you are in no way what women are supposed to be. next time your dumb ass thinks homosexuality is a choice remember all the people that have commited suicide rather than come out to their family and friends. the countless that were tied to trucks and drug across asphalt until dead because who they loved. they all just chose to be gay while religous zealots like you made then fear for their life and general well being. none of those people chose to be gay
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