No really! Go read some books down at the library. Happy saint patrick’s day full printing shirt Hopefully not based on the ass backwards curriculum they are teaching in schools now! What has largely changed since the passage of the 13th, 14th
Happy saint patrick’s day full printing shirt
What about the Great Society Programs started by the most racist president that ever lived? L.B.J.? Ever wonder why women get more money for kicking the guy out, rather than help the whole family unit? That was his way of destroying the black community while also keeping them on the hook. What he didn’t realize is Happy saint patrick’s day full printing shirt how it has destroyed almost all family life in America. The Democrats started the KKK, the Democrats started Slavery,
the Democrats started Jim Crow, the Democrats killed blacks and whites who tried to free Black men from slavery. By the way the Republican Party started in 1854 to stop slavery and you’re saying that was creating a problem? You’re saying slavery is okay then? You’re an ignorant little girl who has chimed in on the mainstream rhetoric without as much of a second of thinking outside the box. In this Case The TV Box! Turn off the CNN.