No one is saying that they have to kneel at that cross Saint patrick’s day full printing shirt if they visit the cemetery or that they must stop a pray there. It’s just more of the vocal left that want to change what’s there to suit their own feelings. If that cross offends you either don’t go there or look the other way!
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This is one huge problem with the world. If we don’t believe in the same thing we are wrong. No respect for others. This monument should not be torn down. As a Vet I think it would be a slap in the face. Again thanks Sean for your response. Have they gone completely barking crazy mad in the US goverment ?! Saint patrick’s day full printing shirt Those memorials serves a purpose. They are a piece of history, for God sake. I’m not an American but I understand what these monuments stands for and to take them down is unthinkable
A person like me love history and to see such monuments standing is a privolige and honour. To admire and respect those who showed such courage, dedication and love for their country. You must fight for them. Stand up and say no to the demolition of their memory. Save your heroes from annihilation. Why do the atheist wine and complain about something they don’t believe in? If they don’t believe God exist how does a cross do anything at all to those people.