A situation that produces a dessert that we’re trying to plant some form of thought Guinness beer hello darkness my old friend st patrick’s day shirt or the reasoning a multidimensional adult would need to introduce unnecessary suffering into a situation that was great for spiritual development.
Guinness beer hello darkness my old friend st patrick’s day shirt
I searched out her Facebook and she’s probably not gay, which would make the story make sense. Sometimes flowery words mask a story that just doesn’t have much to it but a kind of self-worshiping pseudo-spirituality that makes up a great deal of the more new age materialism that people raised or committed to spiritual paths find empty and off-putting. Guinness beer hello darkness my old friend st patrick’s day shirt She had what are called first world problems or some kind of boredom and lack of feeling important that causes people with a detachment to the suffering in this world equate to suffering. If the only suffering you can learn from is your own, a great deal of the lessons life tries to teach you don’t have any fertile soil to grow into wisdom.
The spiritual traditions that she is virtually mocking take as an axiom that life is suffering and happiness is a passing sensation. Contentment and compassion last and give abiding peace. The religions that I’ve studied, Christianity including, seem to take this understanding of happiness as common sense. The ecstatic grittiness that she seems obsessed with chasing is childish and selfish, it leaves pain and delivers pain if the fool makes it far enough in their journey. If your religiosity can’t maintain you in the darkest places the world can put you, it’s empty. A happy marriage, some boredom, and feeling as if you need to inject some purpose to your life isn’t the worst the world has to offer by far.
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