I seen someone comment about you women who are like “where are all the men like this”? And she had said that they are friend zoned. Friends tv show funhaus shirt It’s true, I am telling you right now it’s true. I didn’t even take a second look at my fiance when I first met him. I was so far stuck up my then douche bag boyfriends ass I couldn’t let myself look at anyone else like that
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But one day I did look, one day I listened to him, one day I gave him a chance and it was the best thing I have ever done. He is now raising 2 boys that he didn’t create, and makes me the happiest person alive everyday. There is definitely REAL MEN out there, I am engaged to one of them! He is not perfect, but he loves me more than any men has ever loved me. It does not take one person to make a relationship great, Friends tv show funhaus shirt it takes both a man and a woman and God being the center of it all. I understand this comment won’t apply to everyone, but we must learn to love ourselves first and be satisfied in the gift that God has freely already given to us which is love (God alone).
I got this with the man I love and we are like friends lovers I always laugh to the point me tummy hurts I love the fact he tucks my thumb in when he holds my hand so it doesn’t get caught in his pocket I love the fact when he walks along a road with me he swops sides so that he walks near the kerb and I’m on the safe side although he’s not the father to my two children he treats them like there delicate feathers he’s just amazing love is out there believe me I may of not been his first but I will most definelty be his last I love you Stu Trav and I can’t wait to become your wife
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