Unpopular opinion but I think dean should die and it should be by that boy he let live that saw him murder his mother. Just saying… 15 year of supernatural thank you for the memories shirt You say don’t kill them off like they wouldn’t just come back. I swear they’ve been pronounced dead more times than Ozzy Osbourne.
15 year of supernatural thank you for the memories shirt
That’s the problem. I did like it but it is true the show should’ve ended after Sam went in the cage. Get off stage making them want more not when they tell you they’ve had enough. Good show loved every minute of it but if they stopped I would’ve been just as happy with it.. unfortunately if they are actually ending it then they kind of have to. They do somewhat try to keep it real. And since there will always be evil in the world they probably will get killed. But will they pass the torch to someone Els? 15 year of supernatural thank you for the memories shirt There is a rumor going around that there is a spinoff. I would almost rather see another supernatural show call it what you wish but based on the same universe but from different hunters life/perspective. As much as i love sam and dean i also love the roots of the show too
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they’re the reason it went on so long. It was supposed to end a few seasons ago but Jensen and Jared wanted to keep it going. Erik said at this point it was up to them if they wanted to go on. I had heard they choose to keep going. I’m just saying they are derserving of moving on to they own endeavors now Jensen has his beer Jared has.been doing so much charity stuff. They stayed because we loved them that much and they tried to please They never said if they decided to end the show or the CW did. Remember, AT&T just bought Time Warner. Last season the head of the CW said, as long as the boys want to do the show, it could stay on for 20 seasons. Then AT&T bought Time Warner and we suddenly find out that it is ending. Not one article has indicated, who made the decision?
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