Unlike paid leave, you didn’t contribute to anything to receive those deductions. You just skipped the contraception and pissed in the gene pool. I didn’t insult you. Friends tv show 25th anniversary signatures thank you for the memories shirt I stated the truth. The truth just happens to work against you. Not to mention those who make more money pay more in taxes
Friends tv show 25th anniversary signatures thank you for the memories shirt
call them names. as a parent myself, why should i get something like free paid time off, for opting to have kids?? i wasn’t given them against my will. it’s not unemployment. if i have a kid, it’s because i chose to do so. quit asking for handouts. if you want charity, go ask unicef. you know you’re so close to being right….except you’re not at all. Friends tv show 25th anniversary signatures thank you for the memories shirt you do realize that not just mcdonald’s and walmart pay minimum wage, right? you do also realize that there are huge portions of the country
where the only jobs available…are such things as walmart. and they pay nothing. so are you telling me no one should live in these areas? get up and move? that costs money. get a better education? that costs money. you are so brainwashed and even brain dead in some cases. just because you are doing well does not mean everyone in the country can do what you do. if you are a parent you are given handouts in the form of tax deductions.
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