That’s ridiculous. I can’t stand ppl that list would be done in an hour or two and I’d sleep the rest of the day. Friends tv show sorry I can’t I’m moving to yemen shirt My husband knows how to cook do laundry and put up my kids hair and plays with them it isn’t as hard as they made it seem
Friends tv show sorry I can’t I’m moving to yemen shirt
Rex it’s not about that! It’s about the husband learning to appreciate the mother his wife for everything she does! It’s about the husband learning that it’s his responsibility too an he needs help out! Not take his wife for granted! A lot of marriage’s would last longer! There be a lot less DIVORCES when Men help with house and kids agree with you on the age of the child. She is old enough to get herself ready but believe me there are parents out there with an only child who do everything for including getting them dressed believe me I see it everyday. Friends tv show sorry I can’t I’m moving to yemen shirt But that’s because parents are afraid of negative comments or reactions if things are not perfect and they are also afraid of others judging. I think this is the message they are trying to get along with appreciate one another and respect each other enough to help each other.
any kid that age can get bowl cereal ! Make a P B J sandwich. The point is the father thinks it’s all the mother’s job. To do all house work take care the kids ! Him work 8 hrs a day and rest when he gets home! I ve worked 8 and 16 hrs a day ! I came home took care house and kids at night! My husband drove a 18 wheeler over the road. That’s when you have to do it! When my husband quit driving 18 wheeler over the road! Went to work at a Car Dealership as a technician! He worked 8 am to 5 pm. He helped do dishes cook and take care the kids too. It’s a partnership marriage is! And Dads help make them babies. Dad’s can change a diaper dress a kid. Cook a kid something to eat! Show that child he loves them enough to do those things for them! Dad’s can vaccum a floor do some Laundry help out too. It gives your family more time together for Family things you all enjoy! Gives Mom and Dad more qaulity time to talk to each other love each other in a appreciative way! That’s the point the video is trying to make! Not that child can’t help her self!
Enjoy your time and get your favorite tee

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