Reverse the rolls, add another kiddo and you’d have my life. The walking dead daryl and dog if dog dies we riot shirt But I was replaced by a much older very wealthy guy. This is all recent, so still adjusting to it. It’s hard when you live your life always putting others first.
The walking dead daryl and dog if dog dies we riot shirt
this story hits home for so many women myself included. I’ve also seen men have the same thing done to them by their wives. Love isn’t about looks,money. I raised my 3 children by myself and loved every moment. We all have our faults and sometimes make wrong choices. Learn from them. Love your partner and treat them as you want to be treated, it’s a from you both. I’ve taught my children this. I hope they never have to go through this The walking dead daryl and dog if dog dies we riot shirt I run marathons and lift weights. I still am bald, but atleast I can rock my bald head while squatting 120 kg and running a stair marathon holding a medal in the end. His character…has brought him nothing because the younger woman dumped him
I like the message in this video it must be a sign to me cause im going through that this moment but the other way around wife had an affair . Toss 18 years of marraige out the window for a month of lust . But come to find out the other guy was married as well and didnt want a relationship with her. Now she wants to work things out . But i know my God has other plans for me. I told her no thanks u broke our loyalty to one another. So my journey begins on this month and its my birthday month what a gift.God is Great!! I love these video’s and I definitely feel as tho they open a lot of people’s eyes but why is it always the male playing the baddy? Women are just as bad at this shit too
Hang out with these cute designs

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