I am depressed but I don’t want to tell Chris cause then he’ll start blaming himself and feel like he didn’t help me or do enough for me and Dragon ball z buupac and biggie shirt then I’ll get more down on myself he’s the love of my life of course I’m happy with him we’re both solid but there are times when I get depressed but I just try to hide it cause I don’t know what to do
Dragon ball z buupac and biggie shirt
Depression makes things hard for me. I ignore it a lot and it’s grown and come back to fight me. I was too busy catering to my schizophrenia and my social anxiety to care about my depression. I failed myself and now it’s trying to hurt me worse than before. I wake up wanting to run away from home. I go to the bathroom wantinf to claw off my skin. I run at the gym hoping something horrible will happen to me to make things stop for a moment. Dragon ball z buupac and biggie shirt Depression is a child. If you ignore it and refuse to acknowledge it, then they will do bad things to you and others and you are the only one to blame. If you acknowledge it and care for it properly, then you will live with it as a minor problem instead of a something you regret not looking after when you should have. It hurts I didn’t know u until last month when my sister told me about u..I must say ur videos are very inspiring n motivational.. it reminded me of myself..I broke up with my girl 7 months back n it’s really painful.. I have been living my life in depression..this video gave me a boost to deal with my depressions..I just wanna say thank you..I know it’s difficult to reach every individually..keep posting such videos
Hang out with these awesome designs

I think technology has a lot to do with the spike in depression. When I was a kid we went outside and played. We built friendships and real connections with people over the years. We created memories and did things together. Nowadays? Snap a photo and done. Much of humanity is no longer immersed in the human experience. And that’s sad Happiness isn’t something you can purchase off a shelf or find in an outfit from your closet. Although a walk in the park may make you feel better for a moment, it’s definitely not a permanent fix. Take the time to get to know you and what makes you happy and to better understand why you feel the way you do. Only then you can start to change it. Don’t be afraid to seek professional mental health help along your journey of self-discovery. Others should complement your happiness. People nor things can compensate for your happiness.

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