if it is convenient not 24-7 Mon-Fri plus Weekend for help and support. I left my previous job because of this. Daddy you’re my hero but mummy thinks you’re a cunt shirt The job I got after as a retail assistant had in store wonderful people. They were do nice that it was difficult for me to quit when I had to take time off to do well in college.
Daddy you’re my hero but mummy thinks you’re a cunt shirt
I just quit my job 2 months ago after working for the same place over 7 years. Doing up to 11 workdays in a row, no breaks (unless you’re lucky), poor treatment, while trying to give your best to your daily customers and wearing a smile, no matter how hard it is. Stress, insomnia, constantly feeling sick… it was time to leave the place and the best choice I’ve done in like 20 years. Daddy you’re my hero but mummy thinks you’re a cunt shirt I’m so grateful not to have a boss like this! She’s so caring and understanding and employees often take advantage of her! I don’t agree with people leave bosses. Some people leave for more pay, or they move
or they just find out the job isn’t suited for them. I try to leave my home life at the door when I go to work. The same goes for when I come home. Unless it’s been an extremely difficult day. I will talk thru and vent about my day as much as I can while I am still in my car on my way home. I work 12 hour days away from my my family. I dont want to always come home in a bad mood. There are plenty of days I dont feel valued at work. There is always bickering between staff and it’s not good. We need to be there to boost each other up not cut each other down. Work together always not expect just one person to carry the load. There are many times it seems management are only there for a 9-5 Monday-Friday
Take your time and get your tee
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