If not for you, do it for your family and your pets. I wish you well. plus, ask in groups. Lots of wonderful people in pet groups that could help foster temporary for your babies big big hugs. You don’t scare me I was raised by a german mother shirt I was with someone like this too. Scary as hell but I became free. Now I am happy and thankful every day in my life. I wish the same for you and everyone
You don’t scare me I was raised by a german mother shirt
i hope you get the strength you need to get back to living. he interferes with your time with your son? who do you want by your side at the end of your days? that’s who deserves your time. i looked it up when i saw your comment. simply leave because he is a threat to you. it’s a look at me on demand which is ain’t right. not healthy for you. You don’t scare me I was raised by a german mother shirt call it a quit and find a valid reason for ro on him. You can’t stay with him. By doing so, you’re allowing his behavior to continue. By staying with him you’re accepting his behavior, and he knows that.
He will not only continue that behavior, but he will probably get worse over time. The only way out, is to leave. You may think you cannot leave, but I know you can. It will take courage and strength to do it, but don’t let him pull you back in. Get out now before he snaps on you and you end up hurt or dead. No more letting excuses stop you from leaving. Sounds like he needs some help. Unless he’s willing to see that and get help, you won’t ever change him. professional help, to help you get out. Your family needs you. Your s.o. needs a body to control. He will replace you quickly. Please get professional help.
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