I would sit before your feet if you could so graciously provide me the statically evidence you profess. You are a racist period. It’s difficult I know Mom of boys less drama than girls shirt but and your first reaction is to lash out about nonsense. Create facts that don’t exist in the real world. You’ve showed everyone who you are loud and clear.
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Racism is attributed to power. Eliminating poverty for the black community is not going to solute Power distribution. The black community has the resources available but 95% of the issue is mindset…and that must be recalibrated and empowered to change. Financial literacy eradicates poverty. Can’t get there without renewed minds. Period. Mom of boys less drama than girls shirt A renewed mindset is supported by removing dysfunction and empowering self to change behavior –by setting new patterns and reprogramming. keep in mind these are the 52% white women who support Donald Trump. Who could ever trust what they say or do.
Have a good day and go shopping now
Don’t give them any space in your mind. They are not worthy of it. oh so it is because we are white and we have an opinion and disagree we are racist. That is tag you are it…you are a hater and racist because we are white, bingo. The war is caused in the mind by assumption not reality ..more white woman are raising black kids then you think stop dividing us by color…we love both and all colors you are the great divide. This is a lie!
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