the “fat” version they’ve cut out of the movie… For me the guy in an all greys jump suit If mama ain’t happy ain’t nobody happy if grandma ain’t happy run dinosaur shirt and a hat asking for “Free Hugs” with any enthusiasm feels creepy personally but when he took his hat and sweater off he livins up more looking more calming and inviting
If mama ain’t happy ain’t nobody happy if grandma ain’t happy run dinosaur shirt
This is stupid, the fat guy is wearing a hoodie and holding a bag of maccas…the 6 pack guy is half naked, put a shirt on him and see if the difference. There wouldn’t be as many girls stoping if he was fully clothed. One thing I noticed is his smile…when he’s in that fat costume he was looking grumpy and when he was showing his muscle, he is having a smile on his face If mama ain’t happy ain’t nobody happy if grandma ain’t happy run dinosaur shirt I would hug someone who is happy and friendly, not someone grumpy and looking little suspicious with full covered hoodie.
You can’t cover half of your face and give people the death stare in one clip and start cheesin at people the second….. and I wouldn’t hug someone holding a cheeseburger either. First guys looked like a creep who was wearing the wrong size clothes and angry. Then why one Earth does he need to take his shirt off to give “free hugs”. This was completely biased and not a fair judgement Maybe the fact that the “fat” version is wearing a hat and is holding a bag with fastfood doesn’t help the hugging either. Besides, who knows how much people hugging

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