It’s not rude to speak your native language when you are in a country that supposedly has free will, Behind every daughter who believes in herself is a mom who believed in her first shirt it’s not rude to speak your native language to someone who speaks the same language, it is rude
Behind every daughter who believes in herself is a mom who believed in her first shirt
however for white people to tell anyone to go back to their country if they don’t wanna speak English, America’s first language was not English to begin with. I mean you tried it, but you failed Completely disagree. If you are uncomfortable with another language being spoken in front of you, that is a you problem. I work with people who speak Spanish around me all the time Behind every daughter who believes in herself is a mom who believed in her first shirt and I have never felt like it is rude. If I think they are mocking me, I walk away like an adult and get over it. 99.9% of the time it has nothing to do with me. I’ve seen that you, people from USA, always speak English and you are always trying people to do that
Take your time and get these awesome items

it wasn’t a matter of manners or consideration. The lady was complaining because people shouldn’t be allowed to speak other languages but English in the USA. She was scolding perfect strangers for speaking among each other (not to her) in a language of their choice. Wanna bet that if I were speaking French, she wouldn’t have had anything to say? Thats bold of you to assume they speak it “just because they dont want you to hear their secrets” perhaps its just something they do out if habbit….because ya know …its their native language duh. I for one encourage it, be proud of who you are The only reason for someone to speak English as their second language to someone is because they damn well feel like it or if they want an English speaker to understand them. Honestly if you serve my stuff the way I asked then its whatever just no disrespect or anything. talk whatever native tounge you feel like.

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