That doesn’t make them any of a better person than you are I quit school in the 9th grade and years after I felt like everyone looked down on me but my wife always told Turtle I’m a slow runner dear god please let there be someone behind me to read this shirt me that she never heard anything but good about I made a good living and we raised two wonderful children so hold your head up and keep on going bless you
Turtle I’m a slow runner dear god please let there be someone behind me to read this shirt
Things will get better. People only hear half the story at its peak but no one ever know what comes after. You might have reached you peak on depression, but you haven’t reached your peak on success. I personally healed my mental depression by searching for god and following him. It’s let me through so much depression. I finally feel like I’m getting my rhythm going again. As long as you live never give up. depression and anxiety are dibilitating illnesses and they rob you of the true joy that is in front of you. They play a trick on your mind, skews your perception. It’s a terrible, Turtle I’m a slow runner dear god please let there be someone behind me to read this shirt awful illness, but the good news is: it’s totally treatable. I suffered from both and found that the right combination of medication and talk therapy brings me balance and clears the fog. I know it sounds so trite and cliche, but positive self talk leads to positive thoughts and positive thoughts become positive actions, and before you know it, you feel better. Be kind to yourself. Replace your negative inner dialogue with small acts of gratitude and I promise the universe will reciprocate. I’m sorry you’re having a hard time, you can PM me anytime! ((Hugs))
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I’m right there with you Jensine Hilton Onuwa i literally been in bed/in the house for over a month.. Not working no friends near…family is a joke . depression and fear and no vision sucks. But Jesus is real. I’m thankful for hope even if its very small. I’ll keep you in my prayers..sending hugs Their life may appear better in your eyes. But just remember that you dont know what goes on in their lives behind the scenes. What’s to say that they’re not envious of the life YOU have? Happiness comes in all shapes and forms and it isnt always black and white. Happiness isnt about comparing your life to others. It’s about being proud of your morals and values. It’s hard not to compare your life to others when theirs seems so perfect. Hell…even I do it. But remember that not everyone is in the same situation. We all learn different things at different times and in our own way. But it should never define your happiness and who you are.
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