Honestly, these centrist idiots on here must not know that bernie sander’s platform polls really well with the majority of the population, left and right. Feel the bern bernie sanders for president 2020 shirt Many republicans are sick of being owned by the rich and need medicare for all. Not surprising that many would go to him as his policies help working people which affects both sides of the aisle.
Feel the bern bernie sanders for president 2020 shirt
I love how CNN after the Town Hall said “Dems aren’t trying to clear the field for Bernie”, which means he’s not the front-runner. Well, I sure as hell am! Booker, Harris, Warren, et al, step aside and let Bernie win the White House for all of us! I’m on my way to donating the maximum allowable amount to Bernie’s campaign. Feel the bern bernie sanders for president 2020 shirt He’s the best chance for the Dems. They won’t have to step aside, after they see Sanders with 100 million in his campaign account, and the others with jack squat. They will resign from their campaigns and hope they get picked for Vice President. How do you like that, Dale Groom ? ( Super Bernie Troll )
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Sorry, but when you still have it, you still have it. I fully expected to vote for someone else (there are some good choices). But Bernie is still soaring above them. His age definitely requires a very wise vice presidential choice though, and there are some good choices. The Establishment politicians want their cake and eat it too. It will be hard to fight this crony capitalist government unless millions stand up and demand better policies that lift all boats.
Now he has a lot more competition, Senator Elizabeth Warren and he are competing for the exact same voter, they are bowling in the same lane and she is younger and not an old white guy and that’s before he has to meet up with senators Klobuchar, Harris both former attorneys, one and a former attorney general of California the other a prosecutor out of the largest County in Minnesota, then there is senator Kirsten Gillibrand and Cory Booker. Yeah, yeah he’s gonna soar until the voters get a peek at the rest, and then he’s off a cliff.
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