But hey, we as a society been doing it to the ones who continually strive for the greatness and glorify the morally people broken from as back written history! Tom brady 12 in a world full of hates be a goat shirt So all you Pats stop responding to these types of post and they will go away, but guess who won’t!! We may just have an ELITE receiving core this year!
Tom brady 12 in a world full of hates be a goat shirt
Last time I checked Tom Brady wasn’t the only one wearing a Patriots jerseys on that field. Someone was catching the balls he threw. Someone was blocking for him to have to to make something. Someone calls the plays that are run. And most importantly a defense that stepped up and locked down when needed. Tom Brady didn’t win the game himself. Not saying he wasn’t important but he was not the only factor Any system works when you have a elite pass protection offensive and the easiest system for a Quarterback is the dink and dunk system that overrated 6th round pick , Tom brady 12 in a world full of hates be a goat shirt crybaby,lucky cheater Tom Brady does. Watch the offensive line and you would get the whole picture of what’s happening on the field and the reason why the Patriots always have a elite pass protection offensive line is because they have the Best offensive line coach in the NFL and probably the best offensive line coach ever
More like plug and play hard working, multi-positional, intelligent players! Cheat no, wrong camera location yes, deflate footballs nope, where is all the air pressure data from the 2016-17 season? Tom Brady has taken us to 3 MORE SUPER BOWLS since they have been checking “HIS BALLS” every game!! When are the haters going to learn to sit back and watch history being created before your very eyes?? Roger Goodell destroyed the evidence of Spygate and Deflategate. Roger Goodell covered up what Spygate and Deflategate really is. Spygate is filming the other teams play singles so they knew exactly what play they were going to do before they did the play, that’s like stealing the opponents play book and singles for there plays,the Patriots were the only team that did Spygate. Deflategate is having the Quarterback football deflated under the NFL legal regulations
When the Patriots played against the Ravens, the defender that intercepted Tom Brady’s pass noticed that the football was deflated and he warned the colts about the deflated footballs and common sense Deflategate has never stopped,Tom Brady would have the footballs inflated to the minimum legal NFL regulations then the players would be spiking the balls very hard many times, especially Big Gronk then the balls would become deflated under NFL regulations again. 2 seasons ago, the ratings went down because of the National Anthem protest and Roger Goodell figured out how to get the ratings back up by making sure the Patriots make it to the Super Bowl and win the Super Bowl but Tom Brady still choked in the Superbowl, Roger Goodell had the Referrees helping the Patriots and the Delay time keeper helping the Patriots, Everyone knows the Patriots cheat you Big Dummy
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