As for forgiving and forgetting because god did, do you remember Lucifer? He wanted free will and was cast out for it. Skull with american flag sunglasses shirt Then there was Lillith, Adams first wife. She was not forgiven either. So by not forgiving him the woman IS following gods example.
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for if you forgive men their trespasses,. Your heavenly father will also. forgive you, whereas if you do not. forgive their trespasses neither will your father God forgive your trespasses, I’m sorry to say that sometimes we can be so badly hurt , that we find it hard to forgive, how ever, what will happen when her son finds out that the beggar was his father? And she didn’t forgive him ? When we forgive others it makes us stronger and we please our God Jehovah I do it many times, Skull with american flag sunglasses shirt I forgive people for what they did, but because I can’t forget it still upsets me, but I’ll still forgive a person for making the effort to at least apologise for what they did. As no body is perfect, according to some of my friends I used to be violent when I was younger so I apologised to anyone that was at school with me at the time and in return they accept my apology and also apologise to me if they have done something.
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What she did was no better than what he did…she should have been better then him and helped him out….she didn’t have to forget what he did to her but she should have forgiven him and told her son that man was his father… the word of God says forgive not forget; God knows we are human but forgiveness teaches us how to become more like God in having a humble spirit. People who don’t forgive are filled with bitterness and the love of God can’t spring out! Our pains are real but our experiences shouldn’t make us bitter but better. And the reason you try to forgive others but you can’t forget is because you never really forgave them in the first place! I don’t want you to feel I’m condemning you because I’m not, I’ve been there with my husband cheating on me but through the Lord in my life caused me to forgive my husband and the woman he cheated with too! I just wanted to be free and not a hostage to my situation! Blessings!

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