it is exactly what I needed to hear today. Satan wants us to worry – to fear – to think we are not good enough. These thoughts deep into our minds, and it is hard to take them captive at times. Teacher life straight outta glue sticks tissues markers crayons soap and pencils shirt All of these verses resonate with me this morning: I am strong and courageous. I won’t be afraid – I know the Lord cares for me, and I know He is with me.
Teacher life straight outta glue sticks tissues markers crayons soap and pencils shirt
Sometimes you can’t avoid hurt in life. You become paralyzed in the devastation and then anxiety and fear and anger consume you. Sleep is impossible and your appetite is gone. “Why would you do this to me God.” “God, what have I done to deserve this.” You have to remember that bad things happen to good people and it’s not always bad people inflicting the hurt. The inflictions can come from loved ones, from people you have trusted and respected, and from Christians. You’re hurting to the core and you don’t want to be consumed with it. So now, what do you do? Teacher life straight outta glue sticks tissues markers crayons soap and pencils shirt You remember that God knows why you’re hurting and He has you in His arms. You do what 1 Peter 5:7 says to do: “Cast ALL your anxiety on the Lord because He cares for me.” And you remember what Joshua 1:9 says: “I am strong and courageous…God is with me wherever I go.”
You have to refuse to let Satan fill your mind with thoughts that God doesn’t really care about you, that you’re a big failure, that life is over for you, that you have reached the end. You have to pray, pray, pray for healing and pray, pray, pray for peace and pray, pray, pray for strength. That’s a lot of praying, but that’s the only thing that will get you through each day. You also have to read His Word and meditate on His wonderful love for you. He loves you! He loves me! God is healing us! I’ll also add,, we MUST always recognize the schemes of the enemy here looking to take full advantage of our wounds.
We must take refuse to take his bait and combat it with Gods truth of His word over every thought so our feelings line up too
Get it and hang out with it

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