Until you have seen your loved ones go through this you wouldn’t understand !! No shaming just a mother who is reaching out to love her kids and so ofte. Strange planet I crave star damage shirt The kids are to busy in their own love to care about the parent. Life has no guarantee so you need to love and see all of those you love.
Strange planet I crave star damage shirt
I hope more peoples see this and realise you should always value, love and respect someone especially your mother . I love my mom and would never want anything like this happen to her, everyday I am spending time with her and soon she is moving in with me and my baby so I can take care of her and make all the memories together I hope my son grow up and have the same value and the love I have for my family and my mother . Strange planet I crave star damage shirt I love you mom Yes I had this exact realisation half way through a netball game I was First Aid Officer for and I changed everything immediately at that thought that one day they won’t be here and we always expect they will and I’m grateful now for every single day
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I think, somewhere when we we’re raising our kids we forgot to set an example before them about caring for our parents….when they were getting old and we were so caught up in our world.I have a son,..who is studying abroad..i hope I have given him enough compassion and sensitivity towards all elders.shaming our kids,for their insensitive and disrespectful behaviour is not the solution….I think we have to teach them by example. You should never feel guilty if you just think about how you want to be treated. What ever you will always be held accountable for the things you do. Not what someone do to you. The boomerang effect
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