No, msnbc would be running Sith propaganda non-stop since Obama chose the dark side and Star wars tropical stormtrooper floral print graphic shirt CNN would be sure have a Sith and a Jedi on and give them equal time even Though one of them is totalitarian and hellbent on oppression.
Star wars tropical stormtrooper floral print graphic shirt
OPEC is flooding the market with cheap oil to compete with US natural gas and oil. I mean Obama isn’t as terrible as some make him out to be, but yeah he has nothing to do with low gas prices right now. He also has went around congress several times in order to get what he wants. The president is supposed to enforce laws, not create them. I’m glad he likes Star Wars but that doesn’t mean I’m going to suddenly think he’s the greatest president ever and lie about him. Star wars tropical stormtrooper floral print graphic shirt you do know that ALL 535 elected officials in congress see movies on tax payer money right? Every person who works for the government is paid by our tax money. Fox will surely have a negative spin on this. Something like “Obama had soldiers who represented the “Dark Side”. What about the “White Side” Mr President?!? We here at Fox think All Sides Matter!”
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The wanna be popular and in president trying to win some cool points instead of admitting his healthcare is about to knock a bunch middle class folks into the poorhouse Then why is on tv trying be more popular like last night with the survivalist guy and with this. So idiots whose life he has ruined will give him more of his money as he goes on tour after getting out of White House. What’s weird is that Republican legislators at the state and federal level are doing lots of things to stop key provisions of how the system is supposed to work from being implemented, for the purpose of making it seem like the law itself is a harmful failure, at the expense of all of us in the meantime. Seems they’re succeeding, based on attitudes here. The changes made by the republican congress before passing it and states refusing the federal aide granted to them for implementing the new healthcare system for their own political gain through manipulation of ignorant Americans is.

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