I loved the originals, I liked the prequels and I loth the new trilogy. Rogue one and Solo were good additions. I like good writing and more importantly original May the fourth be with you star wars day shirt (or as close as you can get now a-days) writing. But some of us old timers despite our hatred of the new trilogy still want to see the old favs in one more outing.
May the fourth be with you star wars day shirt
I’m excited to see him back. When he wasn’t in 8 like I thought he would be I was disappointed. They better not kill him off. I can’t take seeing another of my childhood heroes die! I thought we were done with this complaint now, seeing as how The Last Jedi was the opposite of a rehash and is arguably the most divisive piece of trash in the franchise. Not even close, Charles. The Last Jedi was a big joke of a movie that just so happened to make millions of dollars which I bet many of them including Star Wars fans walked out disappointed feeling like they were cheated on. May the fourth be with you star wars day shirt Last Jedi is overrated if you ask me as well. I also think that Luke Skywalker in the book series that is no longer considered cannon after episode 6 is better than the Last Jedi version of him as well. I do plan on seeing episode 9, but I would actually be surprised with that Emporor’s laugh at the end as well if it would actually be better than even the Last Jedi.
Welcome to these new designs

The Last Jedi is an awful failure of a mess. If you liked it, that’s cool, I like plenty of bad movies, and opinions are just that . . but no one can defend it as a good movie, because it’s tragic in too many ways to keep track of. Some great moments, but the majority of it was a lazy catastrophe. I could spend hours tearing apart the first 10 minutes. I’ve watched it perhaps more times than I’ve watched any other Star Wars movie and every time I hope to enjoy it or appreciate it or see it in a different way and it’s just impossible. I don’t hate it because I want to hate it
I hate it because it’s an awful movie to begin with before we ever get into any Star Wars specific things. Has some really good moments, but is tied weakly and poorly together by a bunch of forced plot points, most of which make no sense. I enjoy parts of it, but it’s just a bad movie, that’s what gets me the most. Again, if people say they enjoy it, cool, I enjoy Armageddon and it’s an awful movie, but the difference is that I admit it’s a bad movie. TLJ is indefensible, but if you like it, I can’t dog somebody for that, you just can’t say it’s a good movie, there’s no credible argument in support of that

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