I’m 42 and my daughter is 10. We’re both big SW fans and will be there opening day! Sorry for your loss. Star wars episode IX the rise of skywalker logo shirt My mom is also a big SW fan too. Luckily she’s still around and I’ll see it with her too. It’s amazing how the movies transcend generations!
Star wars episode IX the rise of skywalker logo shirt
it was him. When they revealed the trailer at the Star Wars event. The original actor who played as emperor palpatine was standing on stage..smiling. Everyone in the event was cheering..he says in his palpatine voice…play that one more time. The crowd went crazy. Everybody hates on Rian, but nobody understands that your precious JJ was an executive producer on the last one, which means he got final say, not Rian. Blame JJ Abrams for ruining the saga. I did actually, that’s when I realized that I didn’t like it as much as I thought. It just didn’t feel like a Star Wars movie, killing Snoak without any explanation was what made me hate it the most. It had so much potential. Star wars episode IX the rise of skywalker logo shirt After the second time, I haven’t wanted to watch it again, even when it was on Netflix, it just doesn’t entertain me as much as the originals and episode 3
The main problem was that the 2 movies had different directors. I felt like JJ was trying to do something and then Rian came in and tried to do something completely different. It would’ve been just fine if either JJ or Rian did the ENTIRE trilogy. But The Last Jedi was utter. It’s not that we wanted a rehash, but a good film that respected the Originals. Rian threw out everything JJ set up in TFA, all for the sake of shaking up the status quo. I think that and the pointlessness of everything and everyone, in TLJ is what really kissed people off. Where I fall. I love TLJ and am always impressed going back and watching the film, especially certain scenes that are just so freaking excellent (“Let the past die.”). But I love TFA for different reasons even if I don’t put it on the level as TLJ/Empire.
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