Then what about the 100,000 years of EU lore that Disney quite literally trashed? i got nothing from this as its just a teaser, but they showed literally nothing that would make me even Star wars game jedi fallen order logo shirt want to watch it no cohesion to any kinda story or plot point and that completely unnecessary back flip over a tie fighter was just annoying
Star wars game jedi fallen order logo shirt
honestly it aint that bad at’s genius if anything…last movie of every trilogy so far started with a word that indicates something impactful (return, revenge and now rise;also note that all of them start with R) followed by Jedi for the first, Sith for the second and who brought the balance to the force or rather among jedis and siths? skywalkers…Skywalker family is the balance of the force that was foretold..not one skywalker but all the skywalkers, Star wars game jedi fallen order logo shirt and this can tell us that all of the remaining skywalkers may become one with the force and hence the Rise of the Skywalker
I see what you’re saying. The “Skywalker” Saga will come to an end. I really want to see a Old Republic trilogy come out and for them to add more EU content. I hope the new Sagas if they make any will focus on Thrawn as the antagonist. The Legends did a good job with his story, but he needs more than just being in Rebels. I’m 41 years old. I went with my mother to see Return of the Jedi when it came out. Star wars was something my mother and I enjoyed together, we watched them all together ( yes even the Christmas special ) and I have passed my love of Star Wars onto my daughter. Well we lost mom last August God dam cancer got her. While all you supposed fans are bashing this movie and saying it’s not as god as the originals I’m going to be there on opening night with my daughter and thinking about my mom. Enjoy !
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