resentment and anger exist in people, South carolina gamecocks football camo full printing shirt it’s all previous experiences you never really understood or cleared up. Does that mean I believe there’s a person out there that’s a perfect human being for me?
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I’m a strong believer that you fall in love with whoever you allow yourself to fall in love with, obviously as long as you directly or indirectly are okay with who they are. The sarcastic saying, “you sure know how to pick ’em” is the perfect example. If the person stays with their partner who’s a cheater or abuser, does that mean they’re okay with that? South carolina gamecocks football camo full printing shirt The person might not like the things the other does but tolerates it because subconsciously they might have seen that behavior in their parents or people close to him/her and thinks it’s normal
or it’s just a flaw and tries to brush it under the rug until things get bad. This cycle can repeat over and over again. Have a standard, some things are not up for negotiation. As an EXAMPLE, I personally would not date someone who thinks seeing a therapist is for “crazy” people. The truth is the majority of people should be seeing one. We all go through sh*t in life that we need to clear up in our head and someone with an unbiased awareness of the situation can help. That’s why insecurities, jealousy,