As this video says love does not mean you need to make me happy. Skull new york yankees all over printed shirt You need to make yourself happy. The stronger the individual parts of a structure, the stronger the structure as a whole.
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and make it through to the other side. Marriage is not just about happiness. There’s sooo much more depth to it. and God as a foundation. Without God, especially if the goal is just happiness, almost every marriage is a precursor to divorce or both parties will be discontent in the marriage. Skull new york yankees all over printed shirt I just assumed the ppl in the video were portraying a healthy relationship I always suggest self development and surround yourself with people
that can show you how to be a better person. Your lucky guy will come to you when the time is right. it’s not that. It’s that she wanted to fix the relationship. Who are you to judge her? You do not know her, therefore saying that is irrelevant and rude. it’s the result of years of repeated damage. Same with cheating. If you think you’re wholly innocent because “my SO cheated on me, woe is me!”, you’re sorely mistaken. and figure out why, why do you feel ignore, invisible etc.