h it is a whirlwind right now but with the young Talent McNeil, JD the polar bear Alonso… then you got Conforto the buffalo Ramos the toddfather LFGM 2019 pete alonso homerun new york mets shirt and I’m not even going to start about how good our pitching staff is some Astro fan said they’re better than us oh really?
LFGM 2019 pete alonso homerun new york mets shirt
This was one of the biggest wins I have seen since the day the Mets defeated the Nationals to claim 1st place in their division the year they made the World Series. They have the Wild Card now and it is important they keep racking up victories to secure that spot. The only true battles they have remaining this season is with the Braves and the Dodgers. If they can just split those games and go .666 in the other games, they are guaranteed a 1 game playoff spot. LFGM 2019 pete alonso homerun new york mets shirt Let’s go Mets. To all the folks that thinks it’s a good deal. We traded garbage for garbage. We got another Thomas Nido. I wasn’t surprised when the Wilpons signed Vargas because they are truly the cheapest management in the majors. We have a good young core, but surround them with scrubs. I still don’t understand the Stroman trade and the rumors about syndergaard/wheeler. matz is a scrub who can’t keep his head in the game. Let’s face it, LA is taking the NL and Houston is taking the AL. There’s no way the Yankees are taking the AL this year. They won’t do good in a 7 game series.
Have a nice day and take this new item now

Blake 1st of all given some of the decisions the Cubs have made I am utterly indifferent to results this year. Until Russell is off the team the Cubs do not warrant success. A third place finish is less bothersome than the sinclair group deal that is coming. Second, Yelich doesn’t have a personality. He is a piece of white bread. And it has nothing to do with with him being a Brewer. It has everything to do with being an old school player. Josh Hader, due to his (past?) racism\homophobia and Ryan Braun due to his general assholism and his doping scandal are both fundamentally interesting in ways Yelich isn’t.
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