and could definitely clearly express whether he consented to something, because that is much simpler than trying to hold a long conversation. Skull bad santa ugly christmas sweater I hope this helps to clarify how informed consent can coexist with the type of communication difficulties expressed in the original post.
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I guess the consent comes as a form of “intellectual rebellion”, if I can say so, against the broad misconception that if you’re physically unable you’re also intellectually disable. Kudos to both of them. To those concerned that difficulty communicating verbally means informed consent can’t be given: I used to care for an older gentleman Skull bad santa ugly christmas sweater with cerebral palsy. He used a wheelchair, and speaking was a challenge for him purely because of physiological issues.

He had no cognitive impairment, but he couldn’t hold an extended conversation. He could communicate his wants and needs through short phrases, but understanding what he was communicating required getting to know him well so as to have context and be familiar with his manner of speech. Sometimes he couldn’t get the words out that he wanted to say, so he needed people to figure things out through gestures and guesswork. However, he could understand everything said to him and going on around him,
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