what you what you would love to do. Giraffe and christmas tree shirt In my husbands case he “likes” what he does but what he wants to do is something that can’t be done at this point in our lives because he has too many people depending on him to “bring home the bacon”.
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It makes me upset but he sacrifices for the people he loves. One day I hope this video will make it into our lives but that one day may be years from now That’s exactly what I was thinking! If everyone was rich and no one had to pay for food, housing, utilities, clothing, etc then we’d be set to do what we loved to do and take vacations all the time. Giraffe and christmas tree shirt However, it’s a very nice sentiment That’s exactly what I was thinking! If everyone was rich and no one had to pay for food, housing, utilities, clothing, etc
then we’d be set to do what we loved to do and take vacations all the time. However, it’s a very nice sentiment For some there is alot more meaning in sacrifice. I’d much rather earn enough to support my family than pursue a dream that will not. For me that would be selfish, and the comfort I get from supporting my loved ones far outweighs my want to pursue unprofitable passions. My entire adult life, I felt this SO much. I felt like a caged bird, and like I was giving my life to someone else, like it was slipping away.
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