I miss my best friend and sweetheart everyday and I know he is always near. But–people need to be touched and hear someone say their name. Unicorn christmas lights shirt I can go days on end without hearing my own voice unless I talk to myself out loud. Cynthia Narkoff describes the loneliness very well.
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I feel socially awkward now and am afraid to engage. Isolation does that i think. Missing my family has become physically painful to me. I’m in a fight for my life and I’m more determined than Ever to get well. I don’t want my children to suffer anymore. Sometimes it’s just too much. Can I ask where you two live? I am in Utah. I think I try to be the best I can. Do I always succeed ? Unicorn christmas lights shirt Of course not. I’m only human. But I’m never afraid to say I’m sorry. It’s hard sometimes because I feel that I’m the only one
that ever says that. I honesty don’t ever hear them say that. My daughter, I can’t ever remember hearing her admit when she’s wrong. My son does. But usually he doesn’t think he’s wrong alot. Which makes that hard sometimes being around him and him correcting me or my words in talking…. sigh… Some days, many days, I’m just tired of being here. If things can’t get better, I see no reason to continue. its hurts, I read your thoughts, but guest what, I am here to tell you, be strong in the Lord,
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