Somehow you have to think yourself happy. No one to make you stop thinking something no one can make you think a certain way. Shamrocks irish tree st patrick’s day shirt Somehow you have to figure out there’s nothing physically I can do I can only think happy and believe it to fix my feelings
Shamrocks irish tree st patrick’s day shirt
Feelings are tricky there is not 1 solution to help anyone’s feelings. No one will understand that until you wake up one day and you feel lost. You’re perfectly fine just for some reason you’re feeling not right. No one to help you no one can tell someone else what they are supposed to feel. Until you wake up inexperience not feeling right but no physical reason you will never understand but the problem is when you experience that you still never understand. Shamrocks irish tree st patrick’s day shirt People say the book is better than the movie. And it will always be that way because it’s your personal imagination no one can the same joy and have the same imagination of the story in real life we all are unique we all see things differently we’re all affected differently we have different fingerprints we have different visions of things.
If you have a broken arm everyone can see your hurt can imagine what you’re going through even if you’ve never experienced a broken bone. No matter what everyone can see that it would probably hurt yes that would probably be uncomfortable a nuisance and make anyone’s normal Day activities that much more difficult because we can all see that. When you don’t feel right no one including yourself sees any thing wrong with you. It’s so hard to let go of normal reality and accept the fact I’m hurt no one can see it including myself stop looking and trying to find the cut to put a bandaid on it my feelings or in my head.
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