I’m sick and tired of people bashing them. They are extremely happy with the musical direction they’re in and Paramore grudges anniversary shirt they’ve been through a lot. Stop bringing in negativity into such a POSITIVE band. Grow up. I will forever be a fan of them.
Paramore grudges anniversary shirt
Why are you moaning about her hair? I know she got it cut quite extreme but its her hair. That has nothing to do with who she is and what she does. She changed her hair get over it.js. I think it suits her weird enough. She looks amazing. And I love the new album! I do miss what the old music was like but the new songs are still good tbh So much hate coming from people. I don’t see a problem with their hair, their style. It was a photo-shoot for their album cover, Paramore grudges anniversary shirt which shows independence from the Farro brothers. It shows how they’ve adapted to being without them. If you don’t like it, stick to their older songs, but don’t bash them. That just makes you look low and makes people want to bash you. I don’t care if it’s pop or not. I find the instrumentation of some of this new stuff incredible so far. If you told me when All We Know is Falling came out that Paramore would write songs with Xylophone parts, I’d think you’re lying. I love that this band is trying new things.
They find a way to mute the crowds! Video editors do it for other live performances it has something to do with altering the mic feed so the crowd is muted! Other artists have done it too Don’t worry no one cant not sing along to paramore Idk how everyone is saying the crowd was singing along … theeey definitely were not. Barely evening bobbing their heads or moving their bodies. I’ve seen videos of great and well-known artists performing in LA … and the crowd was dull or “too cool” like this one. I think they were being quiet on purpose so the quality could be better for the video I’ve noticed usually crowds like that do that for these kind of videos and just silently enjoy and appreciate the music! I actually hate when people sing along to the music. I want to hear the artist. I came to pay and listen to the artist. I just went last year to see my favorite band Breaking Benjamin and the entire time I could not hear him singing because all I could hear is the audience. It made it become one of the worst concerts I’ve been to in a long time
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