i am asian, this is just like us too! From where i live, there isn’t even an old folks home. We take care of our aging parents and grandparents until the day they die. Oh I pissed you off suck it up buttercup I’m a bitch it’s what I do shirt We are all working! If we are too busy, all the children would usually work it out together, taking turns to take care or hire help. But our grandparents still live with us.
Oh I pissed you off suck it up buttercup I’m a bitch it’s what I do shirt
You all are just making excuses for not taking care of your aging parents and grandparents. From where i live, we could NEVER send our elderlies to a home. No matter how sick they are. It is unthinkable to do so. There is not even a nursing home/old folks home from where i live. Yes, never my parents because that is not an option and would never be an option from where i come from. Having kids because Oh I pissed you off suck it up buttercup I’m a bitch it’s what I do shirt you think they will be your help in old age is just a gamble just like everything else in life it is not guaranteed.. you still have to make Arrangements for yourself… I work in the nursing field in an assisted living and most of the people there have families and kids some come every so often some don’t at all and some don’t even live in the same state..but what I’ve learned is no matter what most times you will be alone
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Depending on the situation, sometimes a home is the only choice for some people. I’m glad that this couple have the family and neighborhood support they need to allow them to stay together in their own house. These folks are far too old to have teenaged grandchildren…their children are probably in their late 70’s, so it falls to their 40-50 year old grandchildren, who are probably also caring for their parents. A beautiful testament to a wonderful family. I agreed with your comment but when it came to the part of it should be a community effort. Nobody should have to take care of someone they may not know. Unless they really wanted to do it.

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