The men’s leagues I pay to play in are usually more entertaining to watch then women’s pro hockey. NHL wild card chaos squad shirt It sucks but it is what it is and if you can’t sell tickets then you shouldn’t feel the need to get paid to play a game that you love.
NHL wild card chaos squad shirt
If the NHL helps it will be on the backs of the fans whom purchase tickets. The NHL is a business, they aren’t in it to give money away. Sure they can invest and promote but they still need fans to go and that’s not likely to improve on what they already have. We all know where the NHL will get the money to help from us fans by raising ticket prices. The problem is that here in Canada there is lots of hockey games to watch. NHL wild card chaos squad shirt I have watched some women’s games but entertainment wise they fall behind NHL, AHL, Jr, ECHL plus some others. There is lots of competition out there for the fan dollars and the women’s league are way down the list.They allowed a hockey team to move to a desert, all by itself, with no other teams around them. And then they forced the issue on it for years, then they actually bought it, and had a financial dispute with the greatest hockey player of all time over the ownership and money legalities.
Yeah… nhl isn’t into doing things that don’t involve wasting money. I’d consider a female hockey league expansion a much more beneficial financial investment. Travis the product is crap and there is no demand for it. While the NHL has made some bad moves, there is still demand for it. The WNHL or whatever they want to call it will only bleed out into the NHL and cost the normal hockey fans to stop going due to cost. The best thing the women’s hockey associations can do is start finding different ways to grow skillset and then market it. They also need to find a way to make it more entertaining by either changing rules to make it different and entertaining or it will never work. There r women’s football leagues that struggle and they do not get pid. WNBA is a struggle bus. AAGBPL went under after WWII. There is just not much out there. The women playing boycotting due to wanting pay increases actually is the worst thing they can do as WNBA and various other women’s pro sports leagues r struggle and do not get paid much.
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