I know life’s not fair I just think they should make this an infield fly rule. New york yankees car on a dark desert highway cool wind in my hair shirt The rule was made because players would literally do what rizzo did.. if the batter runs it out this could never ever be a double play. That’s why it doesn’t quality as an infield fly with only a runner on first base.
New york yankees car on a dark desert highway cool wind in my hair shirt
of course it does. “ fair fly ball (not including a bunt or line drive) that can be caught with ordinary effort by an infielder.” That’s directly of the rule book. Ive been a high school and college umpire for 13 year and yes it’s the same rule at every level of play. you guys couldn’t be anymore wrong! The runner cannot stay on first base. The ball wasn’t caught. The runner on first needs to advance to second base because New york yankees car on a dark desert highway cool wind in my hair shirt the batter is coming to first. Isn’t that common sense?? If the runner stayed on first then he’s automatically out for not running to second well that’s not exactly true. The runner can stay there at the risk of being forced out at second.
But once first base is touched the batter is out making it no longer a force at second and the runner would have to be tagged. Since he left the base he was tagged out. Had he stayed on the base he would have been safe unless he was tagged while on the base prior to the fielder stepping on first to force out the batter. I’m a high school and college umpire. that’s not true. The runner who was on first technically still occupies first base until he touches 2nd. Therefore, if the force play is made at first, the lead runner can go back to first if he wants and has to be tagged out. life’s not fair, buttercup, get over it. Everyone playing should know the rules, why should the ones that know them be punished for the ones that don’t?
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