Jesus was a angel, Michael the arch angle. Not a God, a son, same as Satan, one son worshipping God, My God’s not dead he’s surely alive he’s livin’ on the inside roarin’ like a lion shirt the other one, wanting to be God. If you are looking for helpful information into the word of God, Jehovah witnesses are awesome.
My God’s not dead he’s surely alive he’s livin’ on the inside roarin’ like a lion shirt
for always protecting me and my family I’m so gratful to know you this way and always look for You , as our relationship it’s so close on a sense to hear your thought, and your presence still, even after you sent me I’ m so overwhelmed I do not know what to do with so many blessings, hope nothing waste we can still use them for your glory and glory. I’ m praying you sent someone to help me directly I can explain where you are with me now My God’s not dead he’s surely alive he’s livin’ on the inside roarin’ like a lion shirt Amen of course she excisted long she was blessed by God by can you not perceive that she is not co equal to God she is not the wife of the Father her womb was use to carry the Son of God to fulfill his plan to save us sinners through his Son Jesus who came from the Father don’t you know that Jesus was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and not by making love to the Father o having sex with a man you who are so deceive wd are just telling the truth about his conception and mary is not god!!
Go shopping and hope you like it

Jesus is the Son of God not mary she was a surrogate mother but not in the real sence Jesus was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and not by making love with the Father you don’t know the truth blinded the false interpretations of your pope and priest deceiving your mind!! who said its not scriptural you are so deceived by the wrong interpretation of your priest who always says that mary is your queen in heaven are you blind not to see that Jesus said my mother, my brothers and sisters are thoss who lis ten to the word of God and practiss it he denied having a mother in the flesh for he was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and not because 2 humans make love and mary is not the wife of the Father in heaven who just blesses mary to carry his Son in her womb so that his plan be fulfilled that Jesus be born as human to suffer for us on the cross beca use God so loved the world that he gave his Son for us sinners!! Jesus came from the bosom of the father as it is written in the holy book!!

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