It’s sad really. Women tear each other down with no logical reason but check out the comment from men! They’ve got the dick in the video’s back all the way I’ve done both and the only thing harder about staying home is not having regular communication with people you didn’t make. Jesus is my superhero shirt I work 40 hours and still have to wash the dishes after dinner. Yes, their are struggles with being a sahm and its a perfectly valid life choice, especially if your kids are super young or if you have a lot of them, but no its not a “job”.
Jesus is my superhero shirt
exactly im a single mum to three and i love it i work and pick up my kids from school and take them to school i did find it hard to juggle housework sometimes as theres not enough hours in a day for every that need to be done in the day and i was always exhausted so i hired a maid and hired a butler so i could do more with my kids people might not agree with me having a maid or butler but i dont care its my house and my money and my life noone elses Maybe so but everyone has their own struggles in life. If a stay at home mum, who doesn’t work, does find it hard Jesus is my superhero shirt then who is anyone to say it’s not. Nobody knows what’s happening in someone else’s home. It’s easy to judge when you do it one way but unless you’ve been in someone else’s home and lived their life you cant really judge who had it harder. I’ve been both, stay at home mum and I am still a stay at home mum but I also work evenings. Working alongside being a mum is far easier then being at home all the time.
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single Mum here. Everyone struggle with different things. Someone else’s struggle is not “less than” yours or anyone else. If you broke your arm, and someone else broke both of their arms, would your arm not hurt anymore? Just because someone else may seem on the surface to “have it harder”, does not negate the pain someone else is feeling. There are always circumstances you don’t know about. Mom. But for the mom up there saying working moms have someone do it for them, your funny. I work from 11:15pm to 7:45 am 40 hrs and did over time on the weekends. I came home and took care of the house while he worked. I pulled both rolls, no one took care of my kids but me.
Ive done all of those and I prefer working than being a sahm because staying with your kids 24/7 without anyone else to talk to or having any break is extremely exhausting. I used to work a job coming home around 4-5 in the morning and i felt more energy then taking care of my son than I do now taking care of my babies. There were times i came home and he was sick vomited all in his crib and I was relaxed enough to take care of it. Kids can be stressful as hell. They go through so many different phases and attitudes and trying to keep with it 24/7 can stress yourself out which in turn stresses them out and it just makes it all worse.
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