This is a beautiful thing!! Two men, both hurting, and they finally find peace and forgiveness. My daughter is a huge pain in the ass but she is my pain in the ass and I love her shirt God has worked on both of them and they are now better men. God is so good!! Sending prayers to both of these men. you will never get your baby back
My daughter is a huge pain in the ass but she is my pain in the ass and I love her shirt
but you have gained so much more, because you forgave and let go of the hurt and the betrayal you have felt in your heart, you will be able to see her beautiful Smile again…. Remember forgiveness is not for the other person it’s for you This is powerful!! Heart breaking for both parties. To be able to forgive is by the grace of God! To admit and take responsibility what a man. My daughter is a huge pain in the ass but she is my pain in the ass and I love her shirt I believe in second chances this life should not be thrown away forever. Prayers for you all and the families involved. Serinity to Accept the things I cannot change. Courage to Change the things that I can and Wisdom to know the Difference.
Have a nice day and go shopping now!

This is what helped me to Renew and Rewind my Mindset. To Let Go and Let God. Took years of It’s sad to say that little girl saved his life i know some of you not believe that but she did he came out a better man from when he went in and yes by God this sad but true I’ve losed my only brother and 4 nephews do to gun violence by bad people but that death saved my life and I forgive the people that killed them
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