So wait a minute, so if my child develops an apathetic personality towards we our parents. Merciless indian savages shirt Do I have to love them still? And feel it? It’s not going to be legitimate love to me. Love is a give and take practice. There isn’t love in one direction.
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I don’t completely agree either. It’s completely normal and natural to show children the “correct” way to be to fit in to society. Not doing so would cause more suffering, in my opinion. Do not confuse this with entitlement. There is order and it’s our job as parents to teach them the way. To follow order as God mandates us makes the child whole as well. We can’t deviate from God’s word as He is the source of unconditional love in the first place. Merciless indian savages shirt For decades there have always been professionals that like to give their opinion on the proper way to raise children. Some will agree with their opinions and some will not. Bottom line…everyone is different. That’s what makes this world great. Love your child….that’s it! In your own way. It may be different from your neighbor’s style of parenting but that’s ok. I’d like to believe that the parents that watch this video are not the type of parents that need counseling.
That’s so sad, our children are such a beautiful gift that we have the absolute privilege to love. It’s hard for me to imagine a parent not loving their child for exactly who they are. They should never have to doubt our love or be afraid they’re not pleasing us. Love them, encourage them, be there cheerleader. A beautiful and tender (her voice is really soft and she speaks carefully because she knows what she is saying can be painful) way to tell us that Unconditional Love is the way… when you love that way there is guidance within and it is shown in everything you are with them (being a model, no need to be the best but be your true self), in every answer you give them (from your heart) in every tale you tell them (from your truth that may not be theirs) and also it is shown when you wonder WITH THEM how the universe works so perfectly that brought you together..
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