My 1st husband was selfish as well. After that marriage was over, I was left scarred by the emotional and mental abuse he gave me. June man I can be mean af sweet as candy gold as ice and evil as hell shirt My 2nd and current husband accepted all of my broken self and my girls! He has been my rock and I try to be his as well! It’s amazing what happens when we give our hearts another chance!
June man I can be mean af sweet as candy gold as ice and evil as hell shirt
Story like mine. 20 years with one who put me down all the time. Finally got out met The One 2 months later and 6 years on have a repaired relationship with daughter who sided with her dad and stayed with him and a proper happy marriage where I am valued loved and encouraged! This gives me hope. My husband of 9 years is a selfish prick. I’ve done everything for that man. I finally had to let go. Been sick to my stomach for 2 weeks, June man I can be mean af sweet as candy gold as ice and evil as hell shirt panic attacks and all. I will survive this. Ive always said I wanted to find a guy that makes others girls jealous of me and not the other way around…..pretty sure this guy just hit it spot on because every girl that read this is jealous of this kiri chick.
when you have someone that makes you happy never let them go. I know from experience…sadly on the wrong end…I did everything I could for my ex wife…to come home one night to find she left me and our 4 year old son…now I have a girlfriend that loves to be around me and my son as I love being around her and her son and daughter. When I can’t be with her at night I text her how much she means to me after she falls asleep…so she can smile in the morning…I tell her every chance I get how much I love her and how lucky I am I have her and her kids in my life. So I applaud you and much luck in your future together!
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