the Act focuses on all aquatics, including aquatic plants. washington state cougars football go cougs full printing ugly sweater The Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force is an intergovernmental organization, administered by the Fish and Wildlife Service,
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Ensure that your sick leave policies are modified to be flexible enough they are consistent with any public health guidance and employees are aware of these modified policies. washington state cougars football go cougs full printing ugly sweater 1. Actively encourage employees with respiratory illness and fever to stay home until they are free of a fever for at least 24 hours. You may still require they notify their supervisor daily. Almost every state has a law prohibiting cruelty to animals. The laws do not explicitly mention invasive species, but many do reference pests. Many of the laws have exemptions for pests, impliedly allowing these animals to be killed inhumanely. Twenty two states have some form of an exemption relating to pests.
Some states broadly exempt pest species, and some exempt poisoning of pest species specifically owners’ land.At least one state, Vermont , allows the destruction of pests on an owner’s property to be used as an affirmative defense. Other state laws don’t reference pests but allow for the destruction of dangerous animals or the lawful destruction of animals for the purposes of protecting the public, other animals, or public health. Such states include Georgia ( GA ST § ), which specifies that persons are not prohibited from injuring or killing an animal reasonably believed to constitute a threat for injury to livestock or poultry, and North Carolina ( NC § 19A-1.1 ), which allows the lawful destruction of any animal for the purposes of protecting the public. The legislators’ intent to include invasive species as pests is unclear, but the myriad exemptions for pests do raise the legal possibility that invasive species are themselves exempted. Although the Act was passed in response to zebra mussels,